Consulting Services

Certified by the BC Institute of Agrologists

Pest management at Greenbush Greenhouses

Pest Management

We are a tremendous resource for improving the quality of your crops. We have extensive experience in greenhouse crops, nursery crops, fruit trees, grapes, nuts and vegetable crops. We can assess your pest problem and unbiased advice on treatment options and methods.

Our services include: onsite monitoring, diagnosis of pest problems and implementation of pest management programs. 

We offer weekly or bi-weekly crop monitoring services, to ensure that pest issues are identified before they cause economic damage to your crop, increasing your profit. At the end of each of our visits, we will provide you with a detailed verbal report, followed with a written report, so you will have clear, easy steps to follow and improve your crop’s quality.

Diseased leaf  - plant diagnostic services


We provide nutrient, disease and insect diagnostics.  Are your crops looking poor?  Correct and quickly identifying the cause of the problem can help save you money by implement the correct treatment early on.

Lady bug - Biological control in your garden

Biological Control

We have extensive knowledge managing biological control programs for various pests inside a greenhouse, and we can help you setup and manage programs in your greenhouse.

We provide technical advice on how to implement and manage a farmscaping program.

Research Trials (Greenbush Greenhouses)

Onsite Research

Have a burning question about the effectiveness of a growing approach? We carry out research trials to answer any questions, such as the effect of different biological, cultural, chemical and physical treatments. We also trial the impacts of new growing practices on your crop. Once the trial is completed, we will provide you with a report, detailing the treatments, results, and any other pertinent information as well as our conclusion regarding treatment effectiveness and potential impact on your bottom line.

Diagnostic Nutrient Plants (Greenbush)

Nutrient Management

We can also determine if your nutrient plan is resulting in the best plant growth and yield potential in either your field or greenhouse crops.

We conduct tissue and soil or media sampling, and help you interpret the  results.  We also conduct onsite testing of greenhouse growing media for porosity, pH and EC.

We also do soil health and compost advising.

Growing Advice (Greenbush)

Growing Advice

We offer advice on a variety of different topics and crops.   We will develop a detailed report on each topic, which and can then be placed in your onsite Production Manual for future use.

To stay current with new products, methods and growing techniques, we attend various conferences and bring this knowledge to our clients.